Volunteer Groups
Members of the St. John’s Parish Family meet regularly in a wide range of groups which provide fellowship and friendship and the opportunity to serve God, and support St. John’s and the wider Anglican Church.
Newcomers to St John’s are encouraged to enquire about participating in one or more of these groups.
Whatever your interests and abilities you will be warmly welcomed and the experience will enrich and deepen your sense of belonging to St. John’s.
The Rector or church secretary will be pleased to provide further information about any of the parish groups mentioned below.
Our largest and most visible group of volunteers is the OP SHOP CREW. Donations to our Op Shop come in every day of the year and these fine folks gather to sort and and price Tuesday and Thursday mornings, then work twice-monthly Op Shop sales. Additional workers are welcome; show up on sorting and pricing days.
SIDESMEN – Although “men” is in the title, the position is open to both gentlemen and ladies. Sidesmen’s duties at worship services include updating the hymn board, turning on heaters in the winter, greeting worshippers as they arrive, answering questions from newcomers, handing out service booklets/hymnals/pew bulletins, taking up and later counting the offertory, making a worshipper count for the service register. Sidesmen are typically rostered for one Sunday morning each month and work in pairs. Sidesmen also work the monthly Evensong services. There is a need for additional sidesmen at the 9:30AM service.
SERVERS’ GUILD – Members of the Servers’ Guild, most of whom are licensed as Lay Assistants, assist the celebrant in the sanctuary at services of Holy Communion.
CHURCH CLEANERS, BRASS POLISHERS – This dedicated group of men and women lovingly perform these important traditional duties, making a much appreciated contribution to maintaining the church’s beautiful presentation.
FLOWER GUILD – The floral arrangements in the church Sunday by Sunday and on special occasions draw many compliments and are testament to the skill and time our arrangers devote to this task.
Parishioners and friends of St John’s are invited to remember special anniversaries, such as the birth, marriage, or death of a loved one, by making a donation for flowers to decorate the church one Sunday.
To make arrangements for a floral memorial (either acknowledged or anonymous), please telephone the church secretary.
GARDENING GROUP – The splendid results of this hardworking group’s efforts are on display for all to see in the extensive gardens surrounding the church and the columbarium wall.
KU-RING-GAI INTER-CHURCH COMMITTEE – St. John’s is a member church of this group which meets regularly and holds established annual events.
Congregations of the member churches meet with their Christian neighbours on these occasions, which feature interesting speakers and thought-provoking talks.
The committee’s ideals are:
* To promote friendship and understanding between Christians of diverse traditions
* To learn from each other
* To worship together
* To work for forgiveness, peace and justice
* To put material and spiritual values in their proper perspective
* To show that we are Christians by our love for God and our neighbours.