Op Shop

St.  John’s Op Shop has conducted regular sales for many years and is widely known in the local community and beyond for offering an excellent choice and range of quality household goods and clothing at very reasonable prices.  It is also valued by the parish and the community as a place to donate goods surplus to needs.




THE OP SHOP IS NOT OPEN EVERY DAY – it holds two sales per month, usually the second and last Saturdays of the month, from 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon.


2025 Op Shop Sale Days  

January 11 and 25 — February 8 and 22 — March 15 and 29 — April 12 and 26 — May 10 and 31 — June 14 and 28 — July 12 and 26 — August 9 and 30 — September 13 and 27 —- October 11 and 25  — November 9 and 29 — December 13.



The Op Shop is entirely staffed with volunteers.  Additional volunteers are are sought to help on Tuesdays and Thursdays with sorting and pricing, and on sale days for early set-up and for packing away at close of trade.  Inquire at the Op Shop on Tuesdays or Thursdays, their sorting and pricing days.


Strong support comes from parishioners and the wider community through donations of goods.  Donations of high-quality, clean clothing, housewares, toys and linens are gratefully received, as are small appliances in good working order (appliances will be tested and tagged). Donations may be left on the tables outside the Op Shop at any time – but we ask that you do not leave donations on sale days or during the two days before a sale.  Volunteers are typically working on Tuesday and Thursday mornings should you wish to bring your donation when the Op Shop is staffed.  Please do not donate books, large appliances, large TVs, computers, mattresses or furniture.


Morning Tea  

Devonshire tea is available in the Crypt during Op Shop sales.  Sit, relax, enjoy.  There is also a cake stand stocked with cakes, slices and biscuits made by members of the parish.


Please Note

  • Do not donate anything you would not be prepared to buy, for example, broken, incomplete or dirty goods.  You would really be surprised how many unsuitable donations must be thrown in the skip – at a significant expense to the church.
  • Only donate Christmas decorations in October or November, as the church does not have space to store these until the next year.
  • Please do not donate in the two days before a sale (Thursday, Friday) or during a sale (Saturday).
  • The Op Shop is not open to the public for shopping on sorting and pricing days.


We are very grateful for your donations.  Proceeds of Op Shop sales support the parish.