USUAL WORSHIP SERVICES – Sunday 8:00AM, Sunday 9:30AM, Thursday 10:00AM, monthly Evensong


Our Rector, Father Robert Happer, may be reached at the church office, 9498 2744, or on his mobile, 0401 950 724.

The church secretary is usually in the office Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – or may be reached at sjgpewbulletin@gmail.com – or office@stjohnsgordon.org.au – or by leaving a voice mail message.

Let us know what we can do for you – and come worship with us whenever you can.





Op Shop – two Saturdays a month, from 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon — Sale dates in 2024 are — 13 January — 27  January — 10 February — 24 February — 9 March — 23 March — 13 April — 27 April  — 11 May — 25 May  — 8 June — 29 June — 13 July — 27 July — 10 August — 31 August — 14 September — 28 September — 12 October (along with annual Church Fete) — 26 October — 9 November — 30 November — 14 December  — Devonshire tea and cake stand in the crypt on sale days.

Tuesday Night Bible Study – Father Robert Happer leads a Bible study group Tuesday nights at 7:00PM in the Rectory.  Current topic: prayer.

Bible Study for Cantonese speakers – led by Father Ernest Chau, Wednesdays 11:00AM to 1:30PM in the Upper Room.  Now studying the Gospel of Mark.

Women’s Bible Study – led by Jen Lum, Wednesdays at 4:00PM in the church back office.  The group is now studying 1 Corinthians.

Table Tennis – Father Ernest Chau hosts and participates, Thursday evenings in the Hall, from 5:00PM.

Thursday Night On-line Bible Study – led by Bishop Michael Hough, Thursdays at 7:30PM Sydney time (leader located in Victoria) via Zoom – the link, every week, is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85438011698.  Current topic: “How to Study the Bible”, using the Gospel of Mark.

English as a Second Language classes – led by Bowen Lau, Fridays from 12:30PM to 2:30PM, via Zoom.  Contact Bowen Lau to join, bowlau@gmail.com.

Mahjong – formerly called Ladies’ Games Afternoon – meets the third Friday of the month, 1:00PM to 4:00PM in the Crypt.  Dates in 2024 are— 19 January — 16 February — 15 March — 19 April — 17 May — 21 June — 19 July — 16 August — 20 September — 18 October — 15 November — 20 December.  Beginning Mahjong players are welcome; patient instruction cheerfully provided.  Bring tiles, racks, friends.  Convenor says, “1:00PM to 4:00PM or part thereof.  Come late, leave early, just COME and have fun.”

Choral Evensong – held several months of the year, on the second Sunday of the month, 4:00PM, with refreshments in the Upper Room afterwards.  This year a February Evensong has been added to the schedule and there will be no May Evensong.  Evensong dates for 2024 are — 11 February — 10 March — 14 April — NO MAY EVENSONG — 9 June — NO JULY EVENSONG —  NO AUGUST EVENSONG — 8 September — 13 October — 10 November — NO DECEMBER EVENSONG.




Bible Readings For The Coming Sunday

Readings July 21 2024


Most Recent Weekly Pew Bulletin

PB July 14 2024 Ordinary 15 – Trinity 7


Current Music List

Music List July 2024




Activities and Events


Baptism, Marriage, Funeral

Education and Bible Study


Op Shop

Electronic Giving

Cemetery and Columbarium