All Saints’ Day Festal Choral Communion – in person service
Please remember that you must contact the church office by 5:00pm on Wednesday to make a reservation to attend this service. You may do so by return email, separate email or phone. Reservations are non-binding – it’s much better make a reservation and then decide not to come on Sunday, rather than to show up without a reservation.
One person may make a reservation on behalf of their entire household. By making a reservation, you confirm that the following declarations are all true:
- I confirm that I (we) have not tested positive for COVID-19.
- I confirm that I (we) am not currently subject to isolation nor am I (are we) awaiting test results following a suspected exposure to COVID-19.
- As far as I am aware, I (we) have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
- I confirm that I (we) have not returned from overseas travel in the past 14 days, nor knowingly been in contact with anyone who has.
- I confirm that I (we) have not traveled to/from Victoria in the past 14 days, nor knowingly been in contact with anyone who has.
- I confirm that I (we) have not traveled to/from any NSW government identified “hot spot” in the past 14 days, nor knowingly been in contact with anyone who has; note that this list is updated frequently.
- I am (we are) not experiencing any flu or coldlike symptoms, such as shortness of breath, cough, any loss of smell, nor do I (we) have a fever.
By attending a service or gathering at St John’s Anglican Church, you agree to inform Public Health officials and St John’s Church personnel ( or 9498 2744) should you show any signs of illness within 14 days of attending any service or gathering at St John’s.