Parish Prayer

Heavenly Father, we adore you and desire to walk faithfully with you.  In your  mercy, enliven the people of this parish through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Increase in us a greater love for all.  make us more compassionate for the sick, the lonely and all in need, more zealous in the inspiration of the young; more concerned about the wider mission of the Church and more generous in our giving of service and money.  Help each one of us to know what we ought to do, and give us strength and courage to faithfully do it, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Revised by Father Robert Happer and Bishop Michael Hough, 2023


God our Father, send your Holy Spirit upon the people of this parish.  Give us a greater love for all.  Make us more compassionate for the sick, the lonely, and all in need, more zealous in the inspiration of the young, more concerned about the wider mission of the Church, and more generous in our giving of service and money.  Help each one of us to know what we ought to do, and give us strength and courage faithfully to do it, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Original version, attributed to Father Bill Weston, Rector of St. John’s, 1979 to 1991