The pew bulletin is published weekly, distributed at Sunday morning and Thursday morning worship services.   It is e-mailed in advance to those on the parish e-mail mailing list, mailed to parishioners without Internet access and posted on this website.

In January, when many church groups are in recess, “The January Issue” of the pew bulletin, issued the last Sunday of December, stands for the month.

Notices and calendar events are welcome and may be e-mailed to the Editor, Cynthia Keithly, at  Note that the e-mail address is no longer in use.


PB June 30 2024 Ordinary 13 – Trinity 5

PB June 23 2024 Trinity 4 – Ordinary 12

PB June 16 2024 Trinity 3 – Ordinary 11

PB June 9 2024 Trinity 2 – Ordinary 10