E-mails and voice messages are checked regularly outside of office hours.


Acting Parish Secretary, Pew Bulletin Editor, Pastoral Care, Website  – Mrs. Cynthia Keithly


        • In the office Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
  • Parishioner
  • E-mail sjgpewbulletin@gmail.com
  • E-mail office@stjohnsgordon.org.au
  • E-mail pastoralcarestjohnsgordon@gmail.com




Maintenance Manager – Mr. Graham Boswell

  • May be contacted through the church office.







Director of Music – Mr. Gareth Baard, BMus, MMus, MMus Pedagogy

pictured here with choir member Ms. Nicola Chau, BMusStudies, MClinAud, MAudSA

Deputy Organist – Mr. Cliff Cowdroy OAM








People’s Wardens


Rector’s Warden



  • Mr. Carl Ackland
  • Mr. Oliver Barry
  • Mr. John East
  • Mrs. Elizabeth George
  • Mrs. Jan Kneeshaw OAM
  • Mrs. Alicia Lennon
  • Mr. Prakash Pillai
  • Cr. Barbara Ward


Parish Council Secretary  — Mrs. Jan McLachlan — E-mail parishcouncil@stjohnsgordon.org.au


Parish Nominators 

  • Mrs. Elizabeth George
  • Ms. Belinda Howell
  • Mrs. Christine McCormack
  • Mrs. Jan McLachlan
  • Mr. James Winter

Synod Representatives

  • Ms. Jennifer Lum
  • Mr. Rob Shaw

Safe Ministry