Organ Project Financial Details March 5 2018

by St John's

I want to, at the outset, apologise to you all for the delay in getting the financial details of the Organ Project. We did have the details ready to go in the time frame I identified, however, the financial situation has been changing, in a positive way, so rapidly, it made all that hard work […]

Organ Project Questions 5 March 2018

by St John's

How can the parish realistically be expected to move the organ project forward at the AVM by collectively answering questions in the three areas a) the vision for music at St John’s b). the choice of organ c) Foundation Trust Monies because a vital process, Parish Strategy Meeting, as outlined in the May 2017 timeline […]

Mind the Gap

by St John's

I don’t know about you, but I travel on public transport a lot of the time. Not that I like it, but it is, when it is working, and here in Sydney that is not necessarily a give, easier to traverse this city than in your car. Especially if you are going to the CBD. […]

Immunity to Change – Fear vs Love Part 2

by St John's

In my blog last week I looked at the issue of resistance to change. This came about because we are now in Lent and one of the challenges for us in our Lenten journey as we reflect on our relationship with God is this; When we look at our relationship with God and recognize the […]

Organ Questions General February 19 2018

by St John's

I was in a chapel recently where the organ was so loud it was unpleasant.  I was told one could not simply turn down the volume.  Is this correct and has consideration been given to the size of the church?  A great question. The question is really one of acoustics as well as the issue […]

Organ Project General Questions February 14

by St John's

ON WHAT BASIS IS IT DEEMED THAT THE CURRENT ORGAN WILL FAIL & WHEN ? When it stops working. No one can tell us definitively when it will fail. Jewkes has said it will fail, but he is not willing to give a time frame, for he and others do not have that ability to […]

Immunity to Change – Fear vs Love

by St John's

One of the reasons we have designated February as a month of Reflection is because of the early arrival of Lent, due to the early date of Easter this year. Before we can enter full into the season of Lent we need to reflect. Lent is about repentance which is about change, a change of […]

Organ Questions General 12 February 2018

by St John's

Organ Glossary of Terms If you are like me, and a complete and utter novice on organ terms below are two links to web sites that can help you out in understanding some of the terms that will be used in answering the various questions. I do hope you will find there helpful, I have. […]

Reflecting on our Relationship with God – Some Practicalities

by St John's

Many of you may recall that I spent about 13 years in the Navy, in submarines. It was a very focussed place to work, and there was not much room for philosophical discussions and the like. We were a very practical lot. In one sense that is why I had such a hard time transitioning […]

Starting School – Reflecting on life and God

by St John's

When my now, 29 year old started school , back in Adelaide and the tender age of five, I felt really unqualified to send my child to school. I almost felt like I had to pass some sort of test!!! Anyway, she was a bit nervous about it, and we had been out, done all […]